Paul French in Key Chain of Events
Paul French in Key Chain of Events

I joined up with Paul French (pictured to the left) and Rob Paul to form “Team Kung Fu Gaggle Squad” and entered the 48 hour film challenge organized by Ed Video in Guelph.  And guess what?

We won first place!

Even have the trophy to prove it.  See?



Hey...We Won!
Hey...We Won!

Part of the prize was a broadcast option from Movieola.  I’m not sure what all it entails, so I won’t be posting “A Keychain of Events” until I get the details.  But once I have them I’ll be posting the movie here and/or the broadcast time.  Stay tuned!

Production Report.


– Ricky Episode 3 has hit a major snag.  You can find out about all the news, both good and bad in the